I got downtown later than I wanted to because I forgot my bus pass at home. I was in such a rush to get to work, I forgot my wallet. When I discovered this after my shift, I had to rush home and get it. I was a little annoyed to say the least.
So I arrived on 6th street at 1:30ish so I missed Casxio. No worries. When I was walking, I heard good music coming from BD Riley’s and stopped by. A band from Dallas, Airline was performing and I enjoyed their performance. It was a great laid back pop show to start off the day.

The bar was small so it got crowded quickly not to mention, it was super hot in there but it was better than being crowded in the hot sun.
I walked around some more until I heard some funky soul playing from a rooftop. I looked up and immediately recognized Casxio at the Blind Pig, which meant I could still catch them! Yeah, that didn’t work out because as soon as I got up to the roof, they announced everything on the merch booth was free and then said “Thank you” and started unloading the stage. Ah nuts.
Luckily, they had their showcase later in the night so I made plans to attend that. My best friend and I decided to stick around to see the next band. Who knows? Maybe they would be the next favorite band for us, but unfortunately, it was taking forever to set up the stage so we had to leave.
While I walking by the Wave, I heard another band that reminded me of Fall Out Boy playing from the rooftop so I went upstairs to see what they were all about. The band was really good but a lot of other people thought so as well because there was no room in the small rooftop to even get close to the band. So I enjoyed the music from the inside back area and cooled down in the AC. What drives me crazy is that I have no idea who the band was. I’ve used all my journalist super google-searching powers that be and couldn’t find the name. Ah well.
My next scheduled show was at the new Bird’s Barbershop on 6th street but when I got there was already a line. I refuse to wait in lines during SXSW so I took a food break across the street at Ms. Bea’s and then walked back downtown.
I went to the Rusty Spurs and caught the end of D’Urbervilles, but not enough to form an opinion of them. What I heard sounded like I would enjoy it though.
The Homosexuals were awesome! The singer Bruno Wizard has amazing stage presence but it’s not surprising since this band has been around since the late 70’s. It was an amazing show with Bruno sharing the stories behind the songs, the band name, and giving his two cents about our former president and other topics. It was a very entertaining show. If you have the chance to see one of their shows, do it.

After the show, I got to say hello to Bruno and he immediately asked me who I represented since he noticed me taking photos and when he found out it was for a college newspaper, he gave me his card with his direct number and told me to call him for an interview. So after I get settled after SXSW, I will definitely do that!
I went to see Casxio at Barcelona who was supposed to play at 7:45 p.m. I get to the venue and the people at the door told me they were opening up in 15 minutes which would be 8:00 p.m.
After I waited and got inside, the band wasn’t on stage. A couple of minutes later, the host or sound guy announces that they would play in 10 minutes. So when Casxio finally did get on stage, it was after 8:15 p.m. It was definitely worth the wait as Casxio was amazing. The crowd was dancing, the sound was great. It was a good time. The band played a cover of Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean which was a highlight for me.

I interviewed the band after they took their equipment down so look for that in the future and then walked across the street to see Choo Choo play their last song. I was sad because I wanted to see them but because Barcelona was running late, I missed them. Oh well, they are playing five more times before they head home so I have more opportunities to catch them.
I called it an early night last night because I was exhausted, already annoyed that I missed scheduled bands because of lateness and long lines, plus my cell phone battery was dying, but Friday is here! A lot of my favorite bands are performing today so I’ll have a longer update tomorrow!
Also in the future (when I have time), I will post up videos I’ve taken on my Flip video camera.
Follow theaccent on twitter
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